Millions benefit from Indonesian broadcasting project

Millions benefit from Indonesian broadcasting project

A project that produced radio and TV programs about key aspects of Indonesia’s democratic development and built radio stations in some of the least developed parts of the country has brought valuable news and information to millions of Indonesians.

The Promoting Good Governance through Media in Indonesia project, which was funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has drawn to a close with impressive results. A final report found that millions of people have benefited from the project and that it has made a genuine contribution to democratic development and people’s well-being.

The project was managed by MDIF and implemented by the Indonesian Association for Media Development (PPMN), with close cooperation with local partners radio news agency KBR68H and Tempo TV.

The project supported two areas of media development. First, it funded the production of radio and television programs focusing on key aspects of Indonesia’s democratic development, addressing issues such as human rights, good governance, pluralism and religious tolerance. It also built on our and our Indonesian partners’ pioneering work to extend information access to some of the least developed parts of the country through a radio station building program in Eastern Indonesia.

MDIF also provided mentoring to senior PPMN staff throughout the two-and-a-half-year project. The mentoring focused on organizational, program and financial management, and was designed to facilitate PPMNs growth and development as an indigenous media development institution, equipped to directly manage substantial grants from international donors.

Results of the program include:

  • Millions of Indonesians have had access, many for the first time, to high quality radio and television programs that have informed, educated and engaged them on a range of issues related to Indonesia’s democratic transition.
  • A pioneering community radio station building program initiated under a previous Dutch government grant has continued to have a significant and positive impact.
  • A new community radio station has been built in the underdeveloped regency of Sarmi, in Papua province, and is providing tens of thousands of people with previously unavailable access to information, education and entertainment.

Commenting on the program, MDIF’s Asia Program Director, Tessa Piper, said: “What is particularly satisfying is that not only have each of the programs clearly had a positive impact, but the way they were designed means that their impact will continue to be felt long after the grant has ended.”

The project ran from 1 August 2010 to 31 December 2012.

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