Media Forum 2016 kicks off in Prague

More than 130 MDIF clients, investors, staff and Board members from nearly 40 countries attended the opening ceremony of the Media Forum 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic.

The ceremony took place at the historic Czech Museum of Music and kicks off two days of panels, presentations and workshops, during which media leaders share strategies and experiences of developing sustainable independent news businesses in challenging environments.

Topics examined will range from mission-focused issues, such as investigative journalism and election reporting, to the business of online video and mobile, and first-hand experiences of transitioning from an independent newspaper to a diversified media company.

With participants coming from countries as diverse as Myanmar and Macedonia and from traditional, broadcast and online-only media, the Media Forum is a unique knowledge-sharing event where media businesses can together explore answers to their common problems.

Panels and workshops will address issues such as capturing new audiences, working with native advertising and carrying out journalism in difficult environments. External speakers will add their experiences of industry trends and how to confront the most pressing challenges facing news media in emerging and frontier markets.