MDIF provides loan to develop Insajder Media Hub and TV channel

MDIF provides loan to develop Insajder Media Hub and TV channel

New York, 29 January 2021: Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), a New York based impact investment fund with 25 years of experience in investing in independent media around the world, has extended a loan to support the further development of Serbia’s Insajder Media Hub. Building on the highly respected TV production, portal and digital channel, Insajder Media Hub will also develop a cable TV channel and new forms of content distribution, starting in 2021.

Insajder Media Hub is founded on the same principles and standards on which Insajder Production is based: freedom of expression, professionalism, and investigative journalism in the public interest.  The quality of Insajder Production’s work, led by Founder and Editor-in-Chief Brankica Stanković, has been recognized by many prestigious local, regional and international awards.

“Our slogan, ‘There are borders that are not for crossing, and that’s where Insajder begins’, has always expressed the essence of our activities,” said Ms. Stanković. “There are no forbidden topics, untouchable personalities, but also there are no challenges that we will not face if we believe that it brings benefits to society. The development of Insajder Media Hub is a continuation of our work extending the space for professional media.”

Insajder aims to pave the way not only for its own productions, but also for all colleagues and production and media companies in the region who share their commitment to quality programming and professional standards.

Harlan Mandel, Chief Executive Officer of MDIF, said: “MDIF has been a proud partner of Insajder Production since 2017. As a pioneering media house and the country’s gold-standard for investigative reporting, Insajder’s growth into a cable channel operator will notably expand the public’s access to high-quality reliable news and information. We are excited to be supporting the launch of Insajder’s new stations with both loan financing and our experience in the development of media platforms all around the world. With its consistently strong ratings, the “Insajder” brand is a guarantor of highly professional media and journalism that audiences want to watch, so we are confident that cable operators will recognize the value of having Insajder TV channels in their program offer.”