MDIF joins effort to promote impact investing at G8

MDIF joined with more than 90 organisations to support the efforts of British Prime Minister David Cameron and officials from G8 countries for their steps to embrace the promise of impact investing as an important complement to existing efforts by the public and non-profit sectors.

In the lead-up to the G8 Summit in Enniskillen on June 17-18, Mr Cameron will convene key global leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to evaluate the potential and practicalities of using “social impact investing” to tackle significant global challenges. MDIF and other impact investing organisations signed a joint letter urging the world to take notice of this positive development.

The letter pointed out that the scale of the world’s global problems far exceeds the resources currently allocated to solve them. By tapping into the power of markets, impact investing has strong promise of unlocking new capital sources that can complement existing philanthropic and government funds. It can also catalyse innovations that help unravel some of society’s most pressing issues.

Read the full letter here.

(Photo by The Prime Minister’s Office)