MDIF invests in Colombian news outlet Cambio

MDIF invests in Colombian news outlet Cambio
Photo: Cambio

MDIF has invested in Colombian news outlet Cambio, reigniting a relationship with a company widely regarded for its investigative journalism, analysis and opinion, in which MDIF first invested in 2005.

The re-launch of Cambio in 2022 re-introduced the company as a digital outlet, though its newsroom continues to draw its editorial rigour from its predecessor magazine that was founded in 1993 by prominent Colombian and Spanish journalists with the aim of encouraging critical thinking through in-depth investigative pieces, some of which mark important milestones in contemporary Colombian history.

Cambio’s closure in 2010 was symbolic of the challenges often faced by independent news outlets. While the proprietor cited economic reasons behind the closure, editorial directors hinted at a political motive behind the decision to pull the plug.

After being out of circulation for nearly 11 years, a group of renowned journalists led by one of the original founders and journalists, Patricia Lara Salive, decided to resurrect Cambio in February 2022 with the goal of producing quality independent journalism focused on the country’s political and economic situation. Within a year of its re-launch, the outlet emerged as the third most-read media in Colombia among opinion leaders.

MDIF’s decision to invest in Cambio will support the organization in its journalistic mission and help it build on its legacy as an independent newsroom that provides a sustainable, innovative and diverse solution to increasing political polarization and falling confidence in news media.

“As a leading media organization in investigative journalism, counter-power journalism and opinion, Cambio Colombia demonstrates its commitment to fostering democracy and human rights daily. We are confident that this investment will help them achieve all their goals to keep growing,” said Ana Sofietto, MDIF Program Director for Latin America.

Ms. Lara, one of the original founders and the current manager of Cambio, said: “The association of Cambio Colombia with MDIF is a privilege that allows us not only to have financial support but also, and this is the most important thing, that experts from different parts of the world will advise us in different areas of a modern media company – commercial, product, audiences – and puts us in contact with prominent independent media leaders in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Thus, MDIF’s contribution to Cambio Colombia means a leap forward for the project and its consolidation as a journalistic organization.”