MDIF extends condolences over the passing of Goran Gavrilov

MDIF extends condolences over the passing of Goran Gavrilov

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing away of Goran Gavrilov, founder and owner of Macedonian independent Radio Kanal 77, and the portal Macedonian Media Service, who died today after a short illness at the age of 54.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Goran’s family, friends and colleagues.

When Goran founded Radio Kanal 77, which is based in Stip, in 1991, it was the first private national radio station in the country. Goran was also the founder and president of the Association of Private Electronic Media in Macedonia (APEMM). MDIF provided its first loan to Kanal 77 in 2014 and has remained a partner ever since.

Goran was a leading figure in the battle for media independence in the region for three decades. He led calls for media reforms and the professionalisation of electronic media in Macedonia and Southeast Europe.

With Goran’s passing, media in Macedonia and the region have lost a valuable colleague. He will be mourned at home and abroad by independent media and remembered as a brave advocate of press freedom and a dedicated professional.