MDIF CEO Harlan Mandel features in McKinsey’s News and business 2022 predictions

MDIF CEO Harlan Mandel features in McKinsey’s News and business 2022 predictions

MDIF CEO Harlan Mandel was among journalists and media leaders from around the world featured in McKinsey’s News and business predictions for 2022.

Raju Narisetti asked selected journalists, media executives, columnists, commentators and media critics for their own perspectives on what’s to come — their ‘personal lens’ on what’s likely to dominate media and grab our attention in 2022, and what issues might fly under the radar.

“This year’s Nobel Peace Prize to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov shined a light on the courage of individual journalists risking their freedom and their lives in, to use Ms. Ressa’s words, the ‘battle for facts.’ But much less visible has been the efforts by the state actors to gain outright ownership and control of the media”, said Harlan Mandel when asked about the issue that will be under-covered, but should get more of our attention.

Harlan Mandel also predicted that efforts to regulate how digital platforms police speech will likely make the news in 2022.

Other media experts that offered their perspectives on major themes in global media in 2022 included Meredith Artley, Senior Vice-President and Editor-in-Chief of CNN Digital Worldwide, Maryana Iskander, CEO of Wikimedia Foundation, Sharon Moshavi, President of the International Center for Journalists, and Swati Gauri Sharma, Editor-in-Chief of