Nigeria Media Innovation Program (NAMIP), our strategic initiative to help independent media build an audience, generate sustainable revenue and reach underserved communities, has published six case studies. This series, coming at the end of three years since the program was initiated with funding from MacArthur Foundation, showcases how participating media have developed their businesses, in particular by growing revenues and increasing audiences in challenging environments.
Drawing from six different examples, the case studies demonstrate how independent outlets adopted concrete solutions to overcome an array of challenges. The outcomes range from leveraging technology to improve news collection and developing innovative income streams for financial independence, to assisting legacy media in adopting digital-first approaches for growth and sustainability.
Since February 2022, NAMIP has attained significant impact across its cohort, both tangible and intangible. This includes a combined revenue growth of its pre-startup participants from less than $13,000 to more than $114,000 annually, and a 43% spike in the audience reach clocked by mid-level organizations. The program also oversaw tailored interventions that strengthened business models, optimized operations and enhanced community engagement, enabling organizations to seize business opportunities in a challenging media landscape.
Read the case studies here: