Independent media leaders gather in Warsaw for Media Forum 2019

178 MDIF clients, investors, staff and Board members from 46 countries attended the Media Forum 2019 in Warsaw, Poland. The Media Forum provides a space for independent media practitioners to share real world challenges and solutions across many geographies.

The opening ceremony took place at the offices of the leading independent media group, Agora, publisher of the iconic Gazeta Wyborcza.

The opening kicked off two days of panels, presentations and workshops, during which media leaders shared strategies and experiences of developing sustainable independent news businesses in challenging environments. Topics examined ranged from mission-focused issues, such as media dealing with intimidation and harassment, to the business of membership and subscription models, mobile journalism storytelling and strategies for operating in challenging economic conditions.

With participants coming from countries as diverse as Bolivia and Nepal, Ukraine and Malawi, and from print, broadcast and online-only media, the Media Forum is a unique knowledge-sharing event where media businesses can together explore answers to their common problems.

Panels and workshops of practitioners shared strategies and learnings – including from failed ideas – supported by MDIF staff and external specialist speakers.