Ensuring rigorous impact investment reporting

As the field of impact investing grows, it’s important that the measurement and reporting of impact is thoughtful and rigorous, says ImpactAssets.

The ImpactAssets 50 presents fund managers that are leaders in impact investing and are paving the way through their investments as well as their impact reporting.

ImpactAssets asked the IA 50 2013 fund managers – including MDIF – to share the best practices and challenges that have emerged from their impact reporting, and brought their findings together in a series of reports:

Theory of Change as a Basis for Reporting Outcomes

The Need to Start Early and Integrate Throughout

The Challenge of Balancing Realistic and Rigorous

The Importance of Resources and Communities of Practice

As part of their effort to expand and democratize the field of impact investing, ImpactAssets is hosting weekly Twitter Chats to spur collaboration and discussions on the best practices in reporting. Join us on 10 April, when MDIF will join the discussion on the challenge of balancing the realistic and the rigorous – click here.