CRF publishes a guide to using WhatsApp for radio

The Children’s Radio Foundation (CRF) in South Africa has published a users’ guide to using WhatsApp for radio. The guide is the sixth in MDIF’s Media Advisory Services’ series of practical guides for media managers and practitioners.

CRF, a participant in MDIF’s South Africa Media Innovation Program (SAMIP), uses radio to create opportunities for information sharing, access to public services, dialogue, leadership, advocacy and community building among youth. It trains young people as radio reporters who broadcast about issues important to youth in their communities.

As part of its package of support to radio station partners, CRF provides them with a range of innovative tools to produce better radio, help them work smarter, and increase community participation and audience interaction.

With SAMIP support, CRF has compiled a practical toolkit based on its experiences supporting eight radio stations across South Africa to integrate WhatsApp into their reporting and broadcasting environments.

The series of guides are designed is to help media decision-makers understand some of the key topics in digital news provision, and give them practical support in adopting concepts that will improve their operations and streamline how their companies work.