Call for applications for Ethiopia media business capacity building programme

Call for applications for Ethiopia media business capacity building programme

MDIF is inviting applications from independent media in Ethiopia for a business capacity building programme. The programme will provide selected outlets with mentoring and coaching in various aspects of media business under the recently launched Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development (PRIMED) programme, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

MDIF will provide capacity building in areas such as audience development, revenue development, digital development and organisational management. The programme will help media to optimise revenues and improve their resilience to economic challenges, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a related programme, BBC Media Action (BBC MA) will provide capacity support to media seeking to improve quality and standards of content production.

PRIMED is a wide-ranging 3-year programme to support the provision of public interest media in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone. It is being implemented by a consortium of media support organisations with expertise in different aspects of media and development. Led by BBC MA, other core consortium members are Article 19, Free Press Unlimited, International Media Support and MDIF.

MDIF has Ethiopia as its main target country, providing capacity building and mentoring with the aim of increasing media sustainability and strengthening their ability to provide the public with accurate, balanced information.

Applications are open until 29 November, 2020. Click here for further information and to apply.