Human rights organization and investment fund
Mission: Dedicated to building independent media
MDIF invests in independent media around the world providing the news, information and debate that people need to build free, thriving societies. Timely, accurate, relevant information is critical to free societies, yet 90% of the world – more than 7 billion people – live in countries where the press isn’t free [‘problematic’, ‘difficult’ or ‘very serious’, as categorized by Reporters Without Borders]. We help media to build commercially viable, self-sustaining businesses strong enough to protect their editorial freedom and drive change in their communities.
Values: Strength through shared values
MDIF is a values-driven organization. We seek to embody our values in everything we do. Our team has created a values statement that captures our principles and guides our work and relationships.
Funding policy: Diverse funders underpin independence
Our mission is supported by a broad spectrum of foundations, impact investors, development agencies and individuals. Each one shares our commitment to free media and open, thriving societies. Being able to draw on a robust funding mix helps us stand proudly as an independent organization driven forward by our own principles and values.
Eligibility criteria: Dedicated to quality news, information and debate
Our clients are media companies that are dedicated to the highest standards of news and information in the public interest. Though diverse in media type, audience and geography, they share a commitment to driving positive change in their societies.
SFDR statement: Committed to transparency and sustainability
We are committed to transparency and sustainability in our funding and investing relationships. We are fully compliant with the European Union’s SFDR.