MDIF funders and impact investors

Strength through diversity

Our work is supported by a broad spectrum of 70 foundations, impact investors, development agencies and individuals who share our commitment to free media. Drawing on a robust funding mix that leverages blended capital, we stand proudly as an independent organization driven forward by our own principles and values.

MDIF is committed to transparency and sustainability. Read our Funding Policy and SFDR Compliance Statement.

A selection of our funders and investors

Adessium Logo


Adessium Foundation is a charitable foundation which contributes to a balanced society characterized by integrity, a balance between people and nature, and social harmony.

Allianz Foundation logo

Allianz Foundation

Allianz Foundation is an independent foundation which supports marginalized communities, promotes open and diverse societies and focuses on combating climate change.

Arjuna capital logo

Arjuna Capital

Arjuna Capital is a sustainable wealth management firm which works with high net-worth individuals, families and foundations to create sustainable investments.


Association of Alternative Newsmedia

AAN is a not-for-profit organization which provides services and leadership that ensure the success of its members, and strengthens alternative journalism.

bank vontobel logo

Bank Vontobel

Bank Vontobel is a globally operating financial expert with Swiss roots specialising in wealth management, active asset management and investment solutions.

calvert impact capital logo

Calvert Impact Capital

Calvert is a non-profit investment firm that works with investors to move capital into communities around the world.

DOEN Foundation Logo

DOEN Foundation

DOEN supports pioneers who are committed to a green, socially-inclusive and creative society.

dreilinden logo


Dreilinden supports social acceptance of gender and sexual diversity by means of grants to organizations and project grants, as well as by social investments and networking.

Dutch Postcode Lottery logo

Dutch Postcode Lottery

The Dutch Postcode Lottery believes the world benefits from strong social organizations and supports those dedicated to people and the planet worldwide.

erstestiftung logo


Erste is a private Austrian savings bank’s foundation that invests parts of its dividends into the region in which Erste Group operates: Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

fritt ord foundation logo

Fritt Ord Foundation

Fritt Ord Foundation protects and promotes freedom of expression and the environment for freedom of expression in Norway and, in special cases, in other countries.

DPL Logo (News)

German Postcode Lottery

The German Postcode Lottery is a private, state-licensed social lottery. It supports charitable organisations and projects.

GLS Logo


GLS Bank is the largest and first social-ecological bank in Germany. GLS Crowd is an online platform for crowd investing.

Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande logo

Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande (IFU)

IFU provides advisory services and risk capital to Danish companies wishing to do business in developing countries and emerging markets.

jp/politikens logo

JP/Politikens Hus

JP/Politikens Hus is one of Denmark’s leading media companies. It publishes several news media and its activities include publishing houses, weekly newspapers and niche media.

Luminate logo


Luminate works to ensure everyone – especially those who are underrepresented – has the information, rights and power to influence the decisions that affect their lives.

Macarthur Foundation Logo

MacArthur Foundation

MacArthur Foundation is a private foundation that supports creative people, effective institutions, and influential networks building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. 

Mediahuis logo


Mediahuis is an international media company behind a wide range of cross-media brands. News consumers have constant access to the journalistic heart of its brands via a wide range of platforms.

New Island Capital logo

New Island Capital

New Island’s mission is to help its clients invest patient capital – at scale – to achieve financial returns and transform the way natural resources are used, businesses are built and communities thrive.

Oak Foundation Logo

Oak Foundation

Oak Foundation is a humanitarian organisation that commits its resources to address issues of global, social, and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged.

Open Society Foundations logo

Open Society Foundations

The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.

Peoples Postcode Lottery Logo

People’s Postcode Lottery

People’s Postcode Lottery manages lotteries for 20 Postcode Trusts and a minimum of 33% from each ticket goes to charities and good causes.

responsability logo


responsAbility Investments AG is an asset manager in the field of development investments and offers professionally-managed investment solutions to private, institutional and public investors.

Open Society Foundations logo


Soros Economic Development Fund is a social investment fund whose mission is to alleviate poverty and community deterioration through investments—in the form of equity, loans, guarantees and deposits.

Sida Logo


The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, is a government agency with the mission to reduce poverty and oppression around the world.

Stichting Democratie & Media Logo

Stichting Democratie & Media

The Democracy and Media Foundation invests in independent, critical media and a strong, just democratic state.

svenska postkod stiftelsen logo

Svenska Postkod Stiftelsen

The Swedish Postcode Lottery believes that a strong civil society is essential for creating a better world. The Postcode Foundation’s goal is to carry out that mission through projects that challenge, inspire and promote change.

swiss agency for development and cooperation logo

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation fosters economic self-reliance and state autonomy and contributes to the improvement of production conditions.

king baodouin foundation logo

The King Baudouin Foundation

The King Baudouin Foundation’s mission is to contribute to a better society in Belgium, in Europe and in the world. The Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion.

Tinius Trust Logo

Tinius Trust

Tinius Trust holds the largest block of shares in Schibsted ASA. Its main objective is to strive for a long-term sustainable development of Schibsted to ensure quality and credibility in all of its publications as well as free and independent newsrooms.

logan foundation logo

The Reva & David Logan Foundation

The Foundation is a Chicago-based family foundation that provides strategic grants to support social justice, scholarship, the arts and investigative journalism, both in Chicago and around the world.

Wyncote foundation logo

Wyncote Foundation

Wyncote Foundation supports efforts that strengthen and enrich culture, community and the natural environment. The public Media and Journalism program works to further a thriving public media ecosystem that is vital to animating and sustaining democracy’s public sphere.

Become an MDIF impact investor or supporting foundation

Join dozens of foundations, impact investors and individuals who share our commitment to free media. Help us to support robust, sustainable independent media.